Privacy policy

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Privacy policy

Informative Report on the Disclosure and Consent to the processing of Personal Data, as complies with Legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30.06.2003 the "Personal Data Protection Code"

In compliance with Art. 13 and 23 of Legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30 June 2003, we inform you that we duly process all the personal data collected whereby the type, nature and form of said collected data is exclusively limited to general/normal personal data as per standard requirements.

Purposes and aims of data processing:

All personal data is processed in strict compliance with each and every data subject right and only for the purpose of the execution of labour consulting services.

Forwarding of personal data

With reference to the above stated purposes and aims of data processing, personal data may be disclosed to:

- any official administration and authority, as legally provided;

- each and every natural/legal, official, public and/or private individuals, entities and parties (legal, consultancy and fiscal and tax consultancy offices, justice courts, chambers of commerce, etc.), whenever such disclosure may be necessary to the ends of our purposes, aims and activities or in view of any requirement and obligation as specified above.

Rights of the data subject

The personal data protection code also grants the data subjects the right to exercise specific rights as thereby provided by Art. 7.

- Specifically a data subject has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him do exist, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.
- The right to be informed on details concerning the source of the personal data; of the purposes and methods of the processing as well as the identification data concerning data controllers, data processors and the entities or the categories of entities to whom or which the personal data may be thus communicated to.
- All data subjects shall retain the right to check and to confirm any personal data, to obtain updating, rectification or the integration of any such data as well as the right to requesting the erasure, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of any data that has been processed unlawfully.
- A data subject shall have the right to object, in whole or in part and on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data, and to request subsequent erasure, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of any such data.

Data controller is Giulio Dapelo, Via Riboli 15 - 16145 Genoa (tel. +39010587323)